The Message from Amy Lee-Tai


Hello from Charlottesville, Virginia in the United States!  It is quite an honor to be asked to write a message to the children of the world who may visit the Dreams and Hopes Art Project website.


First, let me introduce myself.  My name is Amy Lee-Tai.  I am second generation Chinese American, as my father emigrated from China to the United States. I am also third generation Japanese American, as my mother's parents emigrated from Japan to the United States. My four brothers and I were born in New York City, and we grew up there and in San Francisco, California.  I am married and have two daughters who are seven and four years old.  I have been blessed with a good life.


Second, let me tell you that I LOVE CHILDREN!  That I why I used to be a school teacher; that is partly why I wrote my book A Place Where Sunflowers Grow; that is why I am a mother; that is why I am writing to you.


To me, every child represents hope, joy, and love.  To me, every child is a precious individual who has unique gifts to offer the world.  What are yours?


I would like to tell you the same things I tell my own children:


* Know that you are special just because you are you!


* Be grateful for what you have -- material things such as your toys, but more importantly, things that money can’t buy such as your family. 


* If possible, get good sleep, nutrition, and exercise.  You’ll feel better simply by meeting these basic needs.


* Help other people.  If you need help, please ask for it.


* Try your best -- in your relationships, in your school work, in your activities, in all you do.  


* Find time to do what you enjoy, whether it is drawing or playing basketball or taking care of animals.  Get good at doing these things.  They may turn into lifelong hobbies or even a job one day.  


* Dream of who and what you want to be!  Take steps to get there.


* Keep hope alive in your heart.  If nothing else, there is always hope.


I think that these things can help you enjoy life more and also help you during tough times. It is not a perfect world, but it is still a beautiful world! Enjoy it and offer your gifts, as well.


I wish you a life filled with blessings!




Amy Lee-Tai